Tuesday 14 June 2011

Evaluation of fashion project

Evaluation of Fashion student project

Looking back at what I have created during this project I feel that I have fulfilled all of the aspects needed to produce photographs for my fashion student client. I think that the areas that I did well in include; thinking up ideas of how to shoot the photographs including what locations would work and how the subject might look and ideas of how the final pictures would look. In the initial stages of this project I wasn’t sure of the best way to shoot the photographs, but after planning some potential ideas I decided on a final idea. The idea involved the person wearing the clothing (in this case the client) being in different nature scenes because this is what myself and the client had decided on as the final idea because we felt it would work and also it would be easy to achieve.

Whilst shooting these photographs I made sure to catch the correct amount of lighting in each photographs so that is was just right otherwise it would be either too bright or not bright enough. I also made sure that the quality of each photograph was the best that I could get it so that when the client viewed them they would be happy with the quality. At the end of shooting these photographs I was pleased with what I had managed to achieve, I then had the hard job of editing the pictures to create the final copies.

Although I did well in some areas I feel that I could have done better in some other areas. One area that I think I could have improved on is the way in which I first approached the client because I wasn’t confident on an idea and I hadn’t met the client previously this was unprofessional because I should have been confident and approached the client as soon as possible, I did eventually contact the client and from then on the project went really smoothly. Another area that i feel i could have done better in was the look of the final pictures because I think they could look better because the lighting in each of them wasn't controlled and i feel they may have looked better if I had controlled the lighting.

If I was to do this project again I think that I would make sure that I contacted the client as early as possible so that they had enough time to find some ideas, I would also have liked to spend more time editing the pictures because due to time issues with the client (not being able to always meet due to differing timetables) I found that there wasn’t much time left to edit them to the standard I wanted them.

Monday 23 May 2011

The Photographs that will be used for the end of year show

Below are the final photographs that will be used during the end of year show for the fashion students, i feel that these images are good as they meet the requirements specified by the client and they are of a good quality.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Photoshoot with Gemma Marshal 2

Below is the second photoshoot I have done for the "fashion student assignment". I feel that the shoot went well as i have shots that i can manipulate to the client's preference and i feel that the quality of the images are good. I have recently shown the client the images and they have said that they are happy with them.

Thursday 5 May 2011

Photoshoot 1 with Gemma Marshal

Below is the first photoshoot I have done for the "fashion student assignment". I feel that the shoot went well as i have shots that i can manipulate to the client's preference and i feel that the quality of the images are good. I have recently shown the client the images and they have said that they are happy with them. We then planned the second shoot which will be done on location and so will suite the theme of the clothing.

Set of images from photoshoot 1 (the deisgn stage of the costumes)

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Acitate test session

Below are some Acitate test shots that i have put through photoshop so that i can "invert" them and change the contrast. I feel that they work as the image is more broader than before and i prefer the imafe like this.